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I maintain quite a few personal free softwares.
The software repositories are on Github.
The continuous integration is performed by Travis CI.
Here are a few:
Dépôt | Commentaires |
macchiato | MIDI file humanization, used by Rex Potam |
clef | Composition time management, used by Rex Potam |
projects | My projects management system, still in use even though I code less than before. |
MiXuP | MIDI file humanization, previously used by Rex Potam, now replaced by macchiato. Not maintained. |
parentrol | A parental control system on Linux that I used whil by children were still young. Not maintained. |
yacjp | Yet Another C JSON Parser.. A better JSON implementation, in therory, but was never really used except by me. Not maintained. |
incentive | A library to add “contracts” in Java almost as easily as in Eiffel. Not maintained. |
pydbc | A library to add “contracts” in Python almost as easily as in Eiffel. Not maintained. |
pwd | Password manager written in C. Not mainained: I use Enpass that does everything I need and more, and better. |